
twitchyspeed's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,151 (From 204 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 15,625 Points


Medals Earned: 2/4 (75/125 points)

Party In The Dungeon 25 Points

That's quite a busy reign

Eternity 50 Points

Grab your piece of eternal kingship

Love Always Remains 25 Points

Take the easy way out.

Whyyyyy? 25 Points

Kinghood suxx

Mystery of Willow Mannor

Medals Earned: 4/4 (30/30 points)

A Fowl End 5 Points

Once you go green...

Skydiving 5 Points

Who needs a parachute?

Blast Off! 10 Points

An ending that's out of this world!

True End 10 Points

That's what really happened?

Myth Runner

Medals Earned: 1/11 (5/375 points)

50m 5 Points

run 50m length

250m 10 Points

run 250m length

harry potter 10 Points

transform to harry potter

jacob 10 Points

transform to Jacob the werewolf

jaws 10 Points

transform to Jaws

500m 25 Points

run 500m length

1km 50 Points

run 1km length

long streak 50 Points

perform 30x book streaks

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Nephi's Adventure 2

Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/160 points)

Super Saver 5 Points

Save your game

After the Bell 5 Points

Take a cheap shot after winning the dreidel game

Appreciator 5 Points

View the ending credits

Antique Roadshow 10 Points

Inspect every kind of plate and then choose wisely

Kamikaze 10 Points

Defeat the Turbo Anti-Korihor 2000 without wearing armor

Razor's Edge 25 Points

Defeat Laban in one slice

Gumdrop Warrior 50 Points

Beat the game on Gumdrop (no blood) Mode

Nephi's Courage 50 Points

Beat the game on Blood Mode

Newgrounds Pass 3

Medals Earned: 17/18 (400/500 points)

Colonel 10 Points

Complete 20 levels

General 10 Points

Complete 25 levels

Major 10 Points

Complete 15 levels

Private 10 Points

Complete 5 levels

Sergeant 10 Points

Complete 10 levels

Committed 25 Points

Find secret area 3

Eagle Eyes 25 Points

Complete lvl 6 on the first pick

Insane 25 Points

Find secret area 5

Observer 25 Points

Find secret area 2

Scout 25 Points

Find secret area 1

The secret ammo box 25 Points

Find the secret ammo box on lvl 4

Too much free time! 25 Points

Find secret area 4

True minesweeper 25 Points

Complete lvl 29

Weebl's secret island 25 Points

Find the secret island on lvl 13

Wrong turn 25 Points

Find the secret area on lvl 16

Revive 50 Points

Complete the game with a revive

Takeover 50 Points

Complete the game with a takeover

Click, click, click... 100 Points

Complete lvl 27

Next Action Frog

Medals Earned: 3/10 (25/425 points)

Green Frogs Can Jump 5 Points

Finish level 5

1up! 10 Points

Finish level 14

Skilled Jumper 10 Points

Finish level 10

Flock Rider 25 Points

Finish level 18

Timing is Everything 25 Points

Finish level 21

Almost Famous 50 Points

Finish level 27

Hanging by a Pixel 50 Points

Finish level 24

Impossible is Nothing 50 Points

Complete the game

30 Lives 100 Points

Complete the game with less than 30 deaths

The Next Videogame Star 100 Points

Complete the game with less than 10 deaths

Notepad Drawing Collab 2009

Medals Earned: 4/5 (90/190 points)

ARTIST 5 Points

View 'ALL' drawings in the collab.

HARRAH 10 Points

Discover HarraH's psychotic, psychedelic easter egg.

SUCHO 25 Points


BIGJONNY-13 50 Points

Twice the raping power!

AUSTIN 100 Points


Notepad Drawing Collab 2010

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/190 points)


Easy as... Cake!


Blood, blood and more blood.


Click on at least 14 tenticles.

YANKOVIC 50 Points


Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Orchestrated Death II

Medals Earned: 9/17 (225/500 points)

Don't taze me Bro! 25 Points

Kill the criminal with the Manipulate card.

Fun with Molotovs 25 Points

Kill the couple with the Manipulate card.

Holy Disintegration 25 Points

Kill the criminal with the Possession card.

Human Bomb 25 Points

Kill the couple with the Possession card.

Intruder 25 Points

Kill the lumberjack with the Possession card.

Man-fillet 25 Points

Kill the lumberjack with the Manipulate Card.

Megapede Mutilation 25 Points

Kill the lumberjack with the Summon card.

Serpent Swallow 25 Points

Kill the couple with the Summon card.

Wrath of the Kraken 25 Points

Kill the criminal with the Summon card.

All Deaths Complete 25 Points

Kill the victims in all 9 different ways.

Destroyer 25 Points

Kill all your victims with the Manipulate card.

Puppeteer 25 Points

Kill all your victims with the Possession card.

Summoner 25 Points

Kill all your victims with the Summon card.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Paranormal Shark Activity

Medals Earned: 1/31 (5/475 points)

Kangaroo Style 5 Points

Bounce 20 Times

Aquaman 5 Points

Stay in the Sea for 1 Minute (after the shark attack)

Atomic Hoarder 5 Points

Collect 10 Bombs

Fists of Fury 5 Points

Damage the Shark with 10 Bombs

Hatrick Hero 5 Points

Do a 20 Streak without falling in the sea

Icarus 5 Points

Get 3 Jet Packs without falling down

SuperStar 5 Points

Get 50 Sky Bonuses

That was Close 5 Points

Get 10 Near Misses

That was Delicious! 5 Points

Get Eaten by the Shark 10 Times

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? 5 Points

Score 1 Million Points

Amazing Streak 10 Points

Do a 50 Streak without falling in the sea

Captain Ahab 10 Points

Score 2 Million Points

Daredevil 10 Points

Get 20 Near Misses

Lucifer's Hammer 10 Points

Damage the Shark with 20 Bombs

Roger Rabbit 10 Points

Bounce 50 Times

Sticky! 10 Points

Land on 10 Grass Platforms

Superman 10 Points

Get 100 Sky Bonuses

Take me Hades 10 Points

Get Eaten by the Shark 30 Times

Weapons of Mass Distruction 10 Points

Collect 20 Bombs

All I need is Stars 25 Points

Get 300 Sky Bonuses

Bomberman 25 Points

Damage the Shark with 100 Bombs

Bounce God 25 Points

Bounce 200 Times

Face of Death! 25 Points

Get 50 Near Misses

Ubermensch 25 Points

Do a 100 Streak without falling in the sea

Victory Cry 25 Points

Score 3 Million Points

Weeds of Doom! 25 Points

Land on 30 Grass Platforms

Insane Collection! 50 Points

Collect 100 Bombs

Paranormal Activity 50 Points

Score 5 Million Points

Ubermensch is Nothing! 50 Points

Do a 200 Streak without falling in the sea

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!